Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Happy 1st Day of Hogwarts!

Happy 1st Day of Hogwarts!

Sorry, I couldn't resist! As any of us potterheads know, September 1st is the day every year that J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter journeyed to Hogwarts via the Hogwarts express at platform 9 3/4. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. Now before you run away screaming because you think I'm crazy- A) I do not beleive the majority of my posts are going to be Harry Potter related. B) I love Harry Potter because I relate to Harry in aspects most people don't. It got me through my childhood (if not pining to leave on a broomstick for that magical castle) by realizing that if Harry could be brave, I could too. The messages in Harry Potter really struck me, and stick with me to this day. Let's not forget- I am a HUGE literary nerd. I get butterflies in my stomach when I find parallels in writing, or clever metaphors. Yes, nerdy. The lovely and extremely talented J.K. Rowling included so many hidden meanings, metaphors, allusions, and parallels that after reading the series about 20 times (I'm serious), I'm still finding things that leave me in awe of her talent. OK, so I think of many writers as most people think of good actors (or possibly gods...) but I just love the intellectual side of good writing and what imagery, syntax, and diction do to twist and deepen the meaning of words.


For potterheads: Today is actually James Sirius Potter's first day of Hogwarts, Congrats dude, I wish I were you- even if it is supposedly *cough, cough* fiction!

I got the photos from: http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page if you care to explore more.

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